Times of Services Each Week
These regular times of teaching, worship, and prayer are held in the church auditorium.
Sunday Worship 9:00-10:30 AM. All are welcome to attend.
Wednesday Prayer 7:00-8:00 PM. This is a time of prayer for all who wish to come.
Sunday Mornings: What to Expect
Our Sunday morning services include a time of worshiping God in song as well as in prayer and the reading of Scripture. Our worship in song may include contemporary music but does not leave out those cherished hymns from generations past. Our many musicians play and sing joyfully to our Father God.
Pastor Paul Martin, is an expository preacher, that is, he leads out the meaning of Scripture verse by verse through a book of the Bible. Usually a study guide is provided for the benefit of those who attend as a means to follow with Pastor Paul and as a way to review at home.
Sunday Ministries for Children
Nursery During the Sunday Service
Mothers are welcome to take their children to the nursery to nurse them or care for them during the Sunday service.
Children are in the service for the singing and prayer time and may go downstairs during the sermon for an interactive Bible time. Each week there is a teacher available to teach students in the preschool age range (baby to age 4).
Sunday Fellowship
Following the Sunday service each week is a time to spend time with others downstairs enjoying refreshments and encouragement as we share our lives with each other.
Weekly Small Groups
We currently have several small groups that meet weekly to study the Bible, discuss the sermon or participate in a Bible study or book study. Ask about the days and times of group meetings.
Quarterly Women’s Bible or Book Study
This study meets for 6-7 weeks during every quarter and then takes a break for about 6 weeks. The schedule is conducive to the busy schedule many women today keep. The study meets following the fellowship time after the Sunday morning service from 11:30-1:15 in the homes of women who volunteer as hostesses. Women of all ages are welcome to participate. A light snack is provided since this study occurs over the lunch hour. Inquire about the current study.
Sunday Service
9:00–10:30 AM