Weekly Men’s Morning Prayer
Each Monday morning there is the opportunity to gather with other men at 5:30 A.M. for prayer. We meet in the church sanctuary. Initially we spend time individually with the Lord. During this time we may find ourselves reading the Bible, in personal prayer, or in quiet worship.
Then we move together for a time of sharing and corporate prayer. This is a precious opportunity to be edified in the Lord Jesus and approach the throne of grace together. All are welcome!
Monthly Men’s Fellowship
On the first Saturday of each month, men meet at 7:00 A.M. at the church for a time of purposeful fellowship. Our time begins with informal conversation while eating a Continental Breakfast. Then we move to our more formal meeting which typically includes singing, a time of discussing a Bible lesson, and prayer. This provides another opportunity to be encouraged in Christ and to get to know each other. All are welcome to this time of fellowship!
Alliance Women Monthly Breakfast and Prayer Time
This group meets on the third Saturday of the month from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Each woman brings a breakfast item to share. Our primary focus is staying engaged with Alliance International Workers, becoming conversant with the needs of the various international fields of ministry, and learning to pray effectively for those who minister on the frontlines in some of the world’s most difficult environments.
We also:
- Support with prayer and gifts a Third Culture Kid who is the child of one of our international workers.
- Support Bongolo Hospital each year with donations of medical supplies as well as rolled bandages.
- Support the Alliance Stamp Ministry by collecting stamps from our congregation, sorting them, and sending them to a central processing location where the sale supports a Spanish language Sunday School curriculum that benefits 19 different Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas.
- Host an annual tea with a missions emphasis that serves as an event to which our ladies may invite friends and family. It has been one of our most well attended events of each year for over twenty years.
Group Walks
Invite friends to join us as we feature walks together at McHenry Dam, Moraine Hills, and even at Chicago Botanic Gardens.
Prayer Walks
These walks are for the purpose of prayer and will be scheduled monthly during the summer and early Fall. Our prayers will focus specifically on the needs of the persons in the neighborhoods where we are walking. Contact us for dates and locations for our upcoming prayer walks.