Crossroads Care Center—Monthly Chapel Service (Woodstock, Illinois)
Since 1976, our Lord has maintained an open door for ministry to the residents and staff at Crossroads Care Center (CCC), formerly Woodstock Residence. This is a skilled care nursing home which includes rehabilitation services. Our ministry occurs on the third Sunday of each Month beginning at 2:00 PM. Although we lead a chapel service, there are many opportunities to visit with the residents in their rooms as we extend personal invitations to attend the service.
Our chapel service meets in the Dining Room and includes singing, times of prayer and testimonies, and the preaching of God’s Word. Our desire is to lift up the name of Jesus and to bring encouragement to the residents by pointing them to Jesus, our loving Saviior.
Please inquire about opportunities to serve in this outreach.
White Oaks in McHenry
One of our women has been providing a devotional and time of singing for the residents of this McHenry facility once a month. She is looking to expand the ministry in the near future.
Ask about opportunities to participate in this ministry.
Heritage Woods Retirement Community—Weekly Bible Study (McHenry, Illinois)
Each Saturday morning an Alliance team meets at 9:00 AM to lead Bible study for the residents of Heritage Woods in McHenry. A number of residents attend on a regular basis and, over time, we have recognized how the Lord is enabling us to build relationships with these dear friends. Our goal is to proclaim Christ and to encourage other to trust Him.
Our setting is informal, as we sit around a central network of tables. Our approach is personal as we give opportunity for residents to select songs, give testimonies, or share prayer requests. Our Bible study is interactive, whether we are studying a particular book of the Bible, or doing a topical study.
Please inquire about opportunities to serve in this outreach.
Dinners With a Purpose
Hosted by Alliance Women. These events usually involve a themed potluck dinner followed by a purposeful project such as cutting sheets for bandages, rolling bandages, packing supplies for Bongolo Hospital in West Africa, etc.
Missions Conferences
These churchwide events where we host international workers and their families and hear about what they have been doing most recently in their place of ministry. Most often these 2-3 day events include a family dinner, games highlighting the mission field of interest, videos showcasing ministry and family and last, but probably most important is the time of prayer we have for each visiting family, where we focus on those personal needs that face them immediately and in the near future.
Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Packing Party
This event occurs each year in late October and is always an encouragement to those who attend. Our church has consistently packed upwards of 100 boxes a year. These boxes of clothing, school supplies, personal items and a special gift are packed in a party type atmosphere with donations coming from the congregation.